Here is my list of recommended resources for bringing more freedom to our world.
The Cryptoverse – YouTube Channel
The Cryptoverse is my podcast that gives you your regular dose of news and commentary on Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchains.
A site with lots of data to prove that economic freedom leads to prosperity. You can look up any country and see where the country ranks in terms of the level of freedom it allows it’s people. At time of writing I’m pleased to say the United Kingdom is 12th out of 152, but it’s shame we have slipped down from 6th.
World Bitcoin Network – YouTube Channel
There’s something about this James guy that I really like. He’s so knowledgeable, so grounded and so… I can’t really put my finger on it. He just seems really authentic to me, you can decide for yourself.
The Hidden Secrets of Money
A fantastic series of videos about how our financial system really works and how it’s wise to get educated to protect yourself from daylight robbery.