You know me, always following the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement.
So when I read that 'apples are more effective at keeping people awake than caffine', I knew I had to test it for myself. Continue reading →
A few weeks ago, I was driving back from the Internet retailing expo in Birmingham and I'm in my car on the M42.
I drove under one of those huge light signs, the ones with the enormous base at the side of the road which hold up the black sign that hangs over the motorway. Continue reading →
Did you know that on a long haul flight, the plane is off course almost the entire journey?
Before taking off the pilot has their starting point, their flight plan that shows the route, and the destination they are aiming for. Continue reading →
I heard Johnny Wimbrey say something one day that made a lot of sense to me.
We all know that having a strong belief in yourself is one of the most important factors in getting your success, and Johnny is no exception. Continue reading →