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Where do I start.
I was introduced to Power to Achieve by Simon Coulson.
Simon invited me a few months ago and I booked in for the February 2013 seminar, which I attended last weekend ( 8th to 10th of February ).
A strange feeling has come over me in these last two days since attending. The more I reflect on the experience, the more amazing it seems.
I mean it was brilliant while I was there, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that the more I reflect, the more I realise the full magnitude of the experience.
The most amazing thing for me was to see the way it transforms people. People literally walk in with these limiting beliefs and past life events that are making them miserable, and they walk out after the third day a new person, full of life, vitality and confidence.
Bizarrely, I had such an awakening myself about 6 months ago which was the turning point for me selling my half of the business I was involved in in order to pursue my dream of becoming an international speaker.
Now, I hesitated to even write this review because I knew that you just sat there reading my opinion may make the whole thing seem too incredible. To be honest it is.
There’s no way for me to adequately get across to you what it’s like while only using simple text in a blog post. That is like having never heard music before but reading lots of books about it.
No matter how many books you’d read about music, until you’d actually heard it, you wouldn’t understand.
That’s the same here. The event has been designed in such a way to use all of your senses to help you remove whatever is limiting you from doing what you want with you life.
In order to appreciate the true essence of it, you have to go yourself.
Here’s me with my new mate Andy Harrington.
Let’s talk about the man himself. Personally, I love the guy. But that’s because I have a preference for his direct style (which is why I love Bob Proctor ).
It’s hard to imagine that Andy was ever sat behind a call centre desk giving people quotes for Churchill car insurance. If he didn’t share that with us on stage, I would never have guessed that was his history.
I particularly connected with Andy because I feel he really, really does care about helping people change their lives.
The trouble is that people might see his direct style and not believe that he cares as much as he does.
My feeling is that he is direct because he cares so much. He wants to help people. Often times the gentle approach will not help people to break their limiting beliefs.
Andy feels ( rightly in my opinion ) that tough love is what will help people break through.
I personally believe this to be the case because it’s what I needed in the past when I was stuck. I have such a gentle family that no one would ever have been hard with me.
That to be honest is what makes my family wonderful and I wouldn’t change them one bit, I’m just saying that, looking back, I could have done with some tough love. The only danger with a friend or family giving you tough love is you might resent them for it.
This is where going to Andy’s event really pays off. He doesn’t care if you like him, he only cares that he helps you. That’s the sign of a man who is out for the greater good.
Now let’s talk about the venue. It’s one of the best heathrow hotels I’ve stayed in and the seminar room itself is spot on.
If I had to pick one thing that wasn’t perfect? I would say that when you’ve got 300-400 people ready to go into the seminar, there’s just not enough space outside the room to hold everyone.
Once you get in the room it’s fine, there’s plenty of room but once you register and get your badge, people spill all over the place, waiting to be let in.
In truth, that is just nit picking. I had to do that so my review doesn’t seem like everything was absolutely perfect, I mean what is?
The hotel has 3 great restaurants in it. The sports bar was particularly enjoyable because I like that kind of thing.
I also absolutely loved the central tropical garden restaurant and pool area with the rounded bar. Absolutely superb. I felt like I was in a very fine establishment, which I was.
They even have a little Starbucks in the reception area. I mean a fully functioning Starbucks branch. Not that I’m a big Starbucks fan, not at all, but I was impressed by the facilities.
I paid £216 for a three night stay excluding breakfast. This was a Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. This averages out at £72 per night, good value given the quality of the room ( king size bed, bath robe etc ).
Here’s Tony Robbins in 2013.
Andy told us about the experience he had at an Anthony Robbins event he went to with his wife that inspired him to do what he is doing now.
He said he went away from the event thinking that the UK desperately needed an event that helped people like Tony’s events do.
Andy has taken inspiration from Robbin’s methods ( because they work ), but most importantly, he has adapted the event to suit the UK market.
I personally am up for going all out like they do at a Tony Robbins event, but the truth is that British people tend to buy into this group identity that ‘we are reserved’, which I feel does more harm than good because people then suffer in silence.
In reality, being born in the UK does not genetically predispose you to ‘being reserved’, our culture does that.
My belief is that the human spirit is always for freedom and greater expansion. Even if that is true, it doesn’t unlock everyone from their conditioning, which is why Andy has had to modify the event, strike the right balance, so people will actually attend.
He hasn’t toned it down too much though, because if he did then it wouldn’t have the impact necessary for people to break through.
So what I’m saying is that he has struck an excellent balance. And he’s pitched it at a price point that is great value as well.
In all honesty, looking at what I and all the people I spoke to gained from the event, you couldn’t put a price on it.